We Often Overlook Warm Connections
And spend too much networking time online.
One of my favorite quotes is, “There’s no guarantee that a single conversation can change the trajectory of someone’s life or career, but any single conversation can.”
In the last issue, we talked about some of the different types of resumes. In this issue, we are going to go talk about creating a list of warm contacts.
Usually, when you are looking for a job, you’ll ask everyone you can think of if they know of any openings. These are often referred to as your warm contact list. Your family, friends, and even acquaintances with whom you’ve had at least some personal association with belong on this list.
When it comes to getting a job, it’s essential to sit down and make a list of warm contacts and update them regularly. The more people who know you are looking for a job, the better.
Here are a few ideas that can help you during the brainstorming process:
Relatives and Friends
These are the people who are always willing to help you in your job search because they have your best interests at heart. They can provide you with information and introduce you to people they know who may be able to help you.
It’s the best place to start building your list of warm contacts. When they introduce you to some of their contacts, chances are those people will introduce you to even more contacts that can provide you with valuable information about available positions.
Same interests
You may not realize it, but people who share the same interests, faith, beliefs, or hobbies may also be able to help you find a job. Don’t forget your children, their activities, and their friends’ parents. While you may have a different career from theirs, they still may know people in the same field as you and be able to provide you with an introduction. You never know who will be able to help you further your career.
Local retailers
You may think that your relationship with the sales associates in the stores where you shop is based strictly on professional interaction. However, people who sell you things are usually great sources of information, especially when it comes to finding a job.
After all, they come in contact with large numbers of people every day. They often hear about openings before the position is listed publicly. Most of the time, they are more than happy to help you since they know that maintaining a stable relationship with you means repeat business, and if you have a good job, it means you have more money to spend in their store.
Former associates
Maintaining a good relationship with previous employers and colleagues has more benefits than you can imagine. That’s why it’s always a good idea to and leave any job on a good note. Aside from the possibility that your potential employer will call previous employers when they review your job history, former employers and colleagues are also a good source of information when it comes to finding a new job.
Professional organizations
Many professional organizations help their members find jobs, or at the least, offer job listings from members who may be hiring. If you don’t belong to any, consider joining one because they can be very beneficial to the growth of your career. If you do belong to a one related to your chosen career field, be sure to check into their available resources. Often they will be able to provide you with unbiased information on current job openings as well as company profiles and even current career trends.
I can’t say enough about the value of LinkedIn in a job search for networking and building relationships. I did save it for last because some of my clients spend all of their networking time online and overlook the warmer, personal connection opportunities mentioned above. But, yes, in a job search, you need to be all-in with LinkedIn!
Remember, when it comes to creating a list of warm contacts, no stone should be left unturned. The more contacts you have, the better chance you will have of finding a job.