Resigning with Grace and Counteroffer Woes
Resigning…and what to do if they counter
After your masterful negotiation and acceptance of the offer, the next step is to resign from your current position. If there is even the slightest chance that your background check or drug screen for your new employer might be problematic, wait to resign until those are clear. Decide going in if you are open to a counteroffer. This is not a game, and you likely only get one chance to pull this off. In other words, they might throw more money or a promotion at you to get you to stay the first time you resign, but if you try it again two years later, don’t expect similar results. Any time you discuss leaving with your current employer, you must be mentally and emotionally prepared for them to let you walk away.
If they do woo you to stay, pause and think about what was driving you to look in the first place. Counteroffers generally result in the employee staying for six more months but then leaving after all. You will likely have burned the bridge with the company who made you an offer, so think carefully about the resignation and counteroffer implications.
Do you wish that an offer and counteroffer were your greatest issues? Not having the traction you’d like in the job search? Let’s go back to square one and give the resume a fresh review. See a video of a sample resume review.