A Formula For Getting Your Boss to Trust You
Your relationship with your boss plays a big part in determining your job satisfaction and opening up career advancement opportunities. Seize every chance to gain the confidence and trust of your boss. Whether you’re new to the company or have been on the job for years, there are many ways to make yourself a greater asset.
Steps to Take When You’re Thinking of Joining a Company
1. Conduct research. You and your boss are likely to hit it off if you’re both passionate about the organization for which you work. As soon as you get an interview, check out the company website and press coverage to see if it seems like a good fit. Most companies will now share their mission, vision, values, and commitment to corporate social responsibility on their website, sometimes even within a job posting.
2. Evaluate investments in employee development. You can tell a lot about management by their employee development programs. Find out what’s available in terms of education and training and how they discuss their commitment to development.
3. Ask questions. An interview works best as a two-way conversation. Request the information you need to make an informed decision. Visit our website at www.deependstrategies.com for tips on how to turn the tables in an interview and ask them great questions.
4. Assess the team and supervisor. Your first contacts maybe with the human resources staff. Try to get a chance to talk directly with your future boss before you accept a job offer AND team members. LinkedIn networking is a great way to connect with past and current employees to hear more than what the recruiter may tell you during the recruitment phase.
5. Understand the organizational culture. It’s a promising sign when your boss and you both mesh with the culture of the company. See if you’re on the same page regarding typical issues like customer service and financial management.
Steps to Take After You’re On the Job
1. Practice attentive listening. Good communication makes all the difference. Listen carefully to your boss to be clear about what is expected. Clarify the details and express your enthusiasm.
2. Work as a team. Reach out to your co-workers. Share information and offer your assistance during busy times. A team approach is right for everyone involved.
3. Create solutions. Think of every challenge as an opportunity to shine. Approach your boss with your analysis of the situation and multiple proposals for how to make things better. As a general rule, bring your boss solutions, not just problems.
4. Focus on results. Keep a record of what you contribute to the company. Talk in terms of numbers like increased website visitors and sales. Or keep track of the extra hours you work and the money you save the company.
5. Give out praise. Bosses need positive feedback too. Congratulate your boss after a big deal is closed. Comment on the special skills and abilities you notice. (Now, don’t go overboard and look like suck-up!).
6. Take the initiative. Go beyond your job description. Be proactive. Pitch in wherever needed and assume greater responsibility without being asked.
7. Be accountable. If you’re willing to take risks, you’ll probably make an occasional mistake. Own up to your errors promptly and graciously. Reassure your boss that you’re reliable even when things go south.
Steps to Take Anytime
1. Establish boundaries. Work relationships sometimes turn into personal friendships. On the other hand, you may want to set limits on the amount of sensitive information you want to share with your supervisor. In any case, be clear about your comfort level and stick to it.
2. Avoid favoritism. While there may be temporary advantages in getting special treatment, favoritism can backfire. Abide by the rules and encourage fair treatment for everybody.
3. Have a life outside of work. As much as you may grow to love your job and your boss, it’s wise to nourish other aspects of your life. Spend time with family and friends. Devote your leisure time to activities that make you happy. Take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Use your skills and positive attitude to impress your boss. As many companies try to operate on a leaner budget these days, you’ll stand out as star employees who bring value to the organization. That gives you increased job security and a strong foundation for building a rewarding career.
Contact us for tools and coaching on success in your role. Info@deependstrategies.com